Orlit presents you with a growing list of tools to make the management of your retail business easy
Multi-Category Product Catalogue
With a range of tools Orlit makes product categorization flexible. You can capture the categorization that represent the levels of relationships between your products without any restriction. Furthermore, you can adequately capture product specific attributes based on their respective types.
Powerful Search
To facilitate easy product visibility, Orlit features a powerful search engine that works based on relevance to search terms. It also features geolocation search that enables buyers to search for product based on nearness to their location for stores that enable such capability.
SEO Support
All storefront pages have friendly, human readable addresses and can be crawled by search engines. Furthermore, Orlit allows you to integrate with SEO/digital marketing platforms like google analytics, google ad, Meta pixel to keep track of website traffic and marketing campaigns.
Orlit ships with themes that can be imported and adapted to your taste in order to speed up your storefront setup. Furthermore, Orlit is a multi-theme storefront system that allows for automatic switching of themes based on preset activation date period. This makes it easy to change the look and feel of your website based on events that are of interest to your target demography. Example of such events are black Friday sales, Valentine, Christmas and other holiday sales.
Payment Integration
With reliable payment integration with fluterwave, smooth checkout is guaranteed for prepaid orders. Other forms of payment like Payment On Delivery and Wallet Payment are also available and configurable. You determine the modes of payment available to your customers.
Business Analytics
Don’t fly blind! Your business is as good as the quality of your decisions and speed of making them. Let your decisions be data driven. Orlit empowers you with 360 view business analytics across your channels, sales outlets, customers, products and categories.
Progressive Web App
Your storefront doubles as a mobile app. It displays optimally on mobile devices and can be installed as an app. This allows you target mobile shoppers without incurring the cost/ hassle of having to build and support a separate mobile app.
Sending adequate and timely messages to customers and members of staff is an essential component of great customer experience. Orlit enables you to setup contextual messages at different touch points, such messages can be sent as SMS, Email, Push and in-app notifications.
Shipping Management
Timely order fulfillment is essential to a sustainable ecommerce business. With end-to-end shipping management from flexible calculation of shipping fee to management of shippers, Orlit makes fulfilment easy enabling your business to scale without disappointing customers.
Retail POS
Either you have retail outlets or you want to manage sales exhibition Orlit Retail POS has got you covered. Orlit Retail is a versatile solution that manages your sales outlets enabling you to reach buyers who still prefer the physical shopping experience. It gives you the opportunity of managing sales and inventory across your retail outlets regardless of your geographical spread.
It’s optimized for quick sales with easy to use design with POS hardware integration. Furthermore, it seamlessly manages other more complex sales scenarios like discount and credit sales through an approval process. There is no downtime at the POS as a result of internet failure, this is because, all sales are offline and are synchronized to the central admin for a 360 view of the business across channels.
Price Differentiation
For several factors, prices of goods could vary with respect to location. Additionally, prices vary with respect to purchase quantity. Orlit allows you to vary prices based on unit of sales and sales outlets.
Content Management System (CMS)
One major motivation for launching a dedicated ecommerce store is to establish your brand identity. Orlit enables you to have a website that represents your brand identity in terms of website address, color, logo and overall look and feel. This is made possible through a rich CMS system that allows you to not only create but also edit pages and content with minimal technical input.
Multi-Store E-Commerce
With a unified back office portal and seamless operations you can have different ecommerce websites that are branded and targeted at different demography.
B2B Integration with Punchout Catalogue
Take advantage of this if you have corporate buyers that run standard procurement solutions like Smart GEP, SAP Ariba, Coupa... Your buyers will enjoy the simplicity of seeing your stock real-time and placing order that drops into your system straight from their respective procurement system. The process allows the buyers take the order through their internal purchase request approval before passing it to you.
Data Migration
Either you are migrating from existing system or starting afresh, Orlit simplifies the process. It allows you to import several data entities based on CSV and JSON templates. This really speeds up and eases setup process.